Monday, March 30, 2009

Where is Grandma when you need her?

The stomach flu is going around. Several clients came in recently either having had it, or were just getting it. Besides needles, what can help relieve the upset?

When I was a kid with the stomach flu (or food poisoning, or the "heaves") my mom used to give me room temperature "coke syrup" that she got from the corner soda fountain. A teaspoon or sip of that would help to resolve my upset stomach. No other food would be given to me for a day or so, until my stomach had a chance to rest; only the thick syrup would comfort it. We didn't really use the carbonated form of the soft drink, because carbonation and coldness tend to upset the stomach more, and watering down the syrup decreases the sweetness that we needed.

Today, it's hard to come by coke syrup, although there are a couple of mail order companies that sell it (eg: The Vermont Country Store Catalog). Instead, I keep a can of heavy syrup fruit cocktail in the back of the cupboard for such needs. I drain the fruit out, and then sip on the reserved liquid.

In Chinese medicine, the flavor of sweet is said to nourish the stomach. That's why sweet things appeal to children, and why we feel we MUST have dessert after large meals. When Chinese herbal formulas are given, especially to those with weak digestive systems, herbs are added such as licorice or dates to sweeten up the formula making it more easily digested.

It's almost always true that your grandmother knew the best home-remedies for everyday illnesses. They are also almost always quite consistent with Chinese medicine.

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