Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Living Well and Fully in the Autumn

The following article, "Suggestions for living well and fully in the Fall" was written by my colleague, Barbara Catlin, L.Ac. She is teaching a workshop on Oct. 8, 2011, called Conscious Living and Conscious Dying, in Columbia, MD. See the end of the article for the link to her workshop.

by Barbara Tansill Catlin

The energy of Fall supports us in letting go, in allowing life to be exactly as it is, in giving acknowledgment and respect. Here are ways to make the most of your autumn season:

1. Assess personal values.
What do I value? Am I living in accordance with these values? If not, what needs to go? What needs to come in?
* Let go of detrimental relationships.
* Loosen your grip on ideas and habits that no longer serve.
* Recycle or throw away things that are no longer useful.
2. Acknowledge those who are important.
Who is precious to me? Have I let them know?
* Send a letter of gratitude or flowers of celebration to those who have helped you, those who inspire you, those you love.
* Is there anyone I have left out of my daily life because of anger or fear?
* If forgiveness is necessary, is it time to ask for it? Time to extend it?
* Am I able to make the phone call, write the letter, show up for a visit? If not, what else might be done to clear the way for healing?
3. Notice the daily rhythm of your life from sun-up to sundown.
Do I feel ease as I move through the tasks of my day? Do I feel hurried and overwhelmed? Does the rhythm of my day promote order and peace?
* Create a structure/schedule that serves your natural rhythm. Notice how you feel differently at the beginning and end of each day.
4. Accept life just as it is.
Do I resist part of my life? What parts? What person, place, thing, or idea needs to be incorporated? Transformed? Let go?
* Resolve to either make the change or let it go.

Barbara Tansill Catlin practices acupuncture in Columbia, MD. Learn more about her work at including "Conscious Living & Conscious Dying", an event for both professionals and the general public on October 8, 2011.